So what do you do when you have a gap year and a beautiful new blank canvas? Besides taking mental trips around Tankwa Town….you start the Town Planning for Tankwa Town at Quaggafontein, that’s what.

We have many ideas and some plans but we also want to hear yours. Have a think about how you inhabited that space called Tankwa Town (or that space inhabited you)…what worked what didn’t work…did you find yourself wandering the Binnekring not knowing where you were? Do you know that the roads are named for the theme in alphabetical order? There are loads of elements that we take into consideration when planning Tankwa Town.

Give us any feedback here on any aspects….you don’t have to come with the full solution we are curious about any tiny little thing that you have felt/experienced/observed. These are some(not all) of the things we consider:
- Placemaking/Sense of place: Neighbourhoods, boulevards, Ramblas, plazas, spaces for play, habitats for all ages, alleyways, Theme Camps. optimising viewpoints for major artworks.
- Heritage. Memorial/Commemoration. The views!
- Siting and planning OCC, DPW, medics and Sanctuary. Gate. Airport. Fire Services. Rangers.
- Sanitation, more regular spacing of toilets.
- Orientation, navigability and landmark elements.
- Quiet and Loud zones.
- No-go areas.
- Road and camping site layouts
- Wind direction, quantity and location, accessibility and serviceability.
- What are the opportunities in having a larger area?
For insights into past thinking about town planning in terms of how we create Tankwa Town, take a look at Dr John Steele’s published paper on this link.
just a word of thanx for the joy when reading all the newsletters, always relevant in my world, always make me hang on to the dream of being there again